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Scholar’s Journey of Learning and Growth in Australia

Posted: 12 September 2024

Scholar experience,

Linn Htet Oo is one of 19 scholars selected for the 2024 Internships Program delivered by Australian Internships on behalf of Australia Awards Myanmar. Linn’s participation in the program is driven by the desire to apply theoretical knowledge in a real-world setting. As part of his scholarship journey, Linn is eager to learn from Australia’s renowned Universal Health Coverage system and hopes to bring valuable insights back to Myanmar.

Starting this November, Linn will begin his internship journey with West Moreton Health. This respected organisation is known for its comprehensive range of services, including preventative and primary healthcare, ambulance services, acute and sub-acute care, as well as specialised services such as oral health, mental health, prison health, and support for alcohol and other drug dependencies. During his internship, Linn looks forward to gaining a deeper understanding of how health and wellbeing services are managed and delivered in the region. He is excited to collaborate with international colleagues, enriching his professional experience and broadening his global perspective. Linn believes that technical knowledge alone is insufficient to tackle real-world challenges:

Through this program, I expect to gain practical experience and enhance my interpersonal skills such as international work ethics and communication with global colleagues. This experience will be invaluable for me in the long-term, particularly in implementing universal health coverage in Myanmar.

Linn Htet Oo is currently pursuing a Master of Health Economics at the University of Queensland. With extensive experiences in health sector, his aim is to develop his skills in health economics to tackle challenges like resource limitations and work towards universal health coverage in Myanmar.

In addition to his academic and internship commitments, as an ASEAN scholar, Linn also participated in the ASEAN scholarship leadership development program launched in Canberra. This program allowed him to connect with scholars from different countries, improving his communication skills and gaining new perspectives on leadership. These experiences have been instrumental in his personal and professional growth.

Based on his experiences, Linn encourages future scholars to stay active and engage in extra-curricular activities to enhance their personal and professional networks. He highlights the importance of a support network for managing stress and homesickness, emphasizing that staying active and engaged will be beneficial in the long run. Hence, he highly encourages scholars to:

“Participate in extra-curricular activities as it can provide an opportunity to enrich international experiences, expand your network and enhance your learning. So, don’t miss out on this great opportunity!”

Favourite thing to do in Brisbane? Swimming at Street Beach in South Bank and relaxing at Roma Street Parkland

Least favourite thing about Brisbane? Nothing – I am enjoying Brisbane so much!

Favourite place to eat? Pochanaa Brisbane

What insiders tip would you give new scholars arriving in Brisbane? Brisbane is a great place to live in if you enjoy nature and being outdoors